WECEP NSK Education Director: Lori Feldmann
WECEP CDC Program Director : Megan Baumgartner
WECEP Office Manager: Liz Heslin
WECEP Finance Manager : Peggy Canose
Ms. Katherine
Ms. Courtney
Ms. Cheryl
Our infant room focuses on developing secure relationships with trusted adults, working on motor skills through tummy time, and language through imitation, songs, finger plays and books.
Ms. Kelly
Toddler Prep room builds off the Infant room development, while adding early self-care skills and autonomy through practicing self feeding, and learning about the world around them through experiences that involve the 5 scenes.
Ms. Amy
Ms. Claudia
Toddler room encourage children to grow and build off what they learned in the toddler prep room. With learning world experiences through senses, developing math skills through counting and shapes, and learning to put toys away.
Ms. Andrea
Ms. Tayler
Preschool prep room will build self-care skills and autonomy through learning to put toys away and potty training, help develop early math skills through exposure to counting, shapes, and sorting, and work on motor skills through play.
Ms. Elizabeth
Preschool room focuses on developing relationships, friendships and engaging in play with other children. Developing language through conversation, songs, books, and through exposure to print rich environment and the alphabet. They'll also work on self-help skills and self- confidence building.
Ms. Janie
Ms. Katelynn
Our Pre-K classroom encourages children to learn more about the world through experiences, continue to grow friendships and engage in play with other children, and develop writing skills through Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum.
Ms. Marianne
Ms. Judy
Ms. Jenna
Ms. Martha
Ms. Emily
Ms. Carley
Mrs. Hilderhoff
Mrs. Strickland
Mrs. Girgash
Mrs. Sandrue
Enrichments - Miss. Seech
Mrs. Bowen
Mrs. Gagne
Mrs. Leimkuehler
Mrs. Mackin
Mrs. Pfeiffer
Miss. Seech
Mrs. Murray
Mrs. Wagner
Mrs. Goffin
Mrs. Miehl
Mrs. Shay
Ms. Witt
Mrs. Pitzer
Mrs. Jones
Westminster Early Childhood Education Programs
2040 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15241, US
The waitlist for the WCDC is temporarily closed effective January 2025. Check back for updates!
Nursery School Registration:
Limited space is available!
Call 412-835-2906 for more info or to schedule a tour.